An Interesting Comparison
While looking at the 1920 newspapers on microfilm the other day this interesting item was included in the New Fairfield column of The Danbury News January 1920. The assessors John W. Waldron, Keith Joyce and E.H.Pierce compiled this Grand List of taxable property here in town.
Total of taxable property in town: $618,770.
199 real estate owners in town
151 houses in town – valued at $105,400.
374 number of barns and other out-buildings in town
195 horses and mules
346 neat cattle (usually cows or oxen)
50 motor vehicles
In the 1920s a large herd is grazing in the pasture of the Disbrow Farm. The open land in the background is the northeast corner of Possum Ridge today. (photo courtesy of Harry & Joanne Moody)